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参观动物园计划小学英语作文 计划参观动物园的小学生英语作文

时间:2020-11-27    作者:答案圈


1. 时间。参考句型:We’re going to visit the zoo on Sunday/on Saturday.q3P答案圈

2. 交通方式。参考句型:We are going by bus/by bike.q3P答案圈

3. 打算看哪些动物。参考句型:We’re going to visit the tigers,pandas,lions and elephants.q3P答案圈

或者 I like pandas, I’m going to visit the pandas. My friend Xiaowei likes tigers.He’s going to visit the tigers.q3P答案圈

4. 其他:We are going to take some pictures.q3P答案圈


We’re going to visit the zoo on Sunday.We are going by bus.We’re going to visit the tigers,pandas,lions and elephants. I like pandas, I’m going to visit the pandas. My friend Xiaowei likes tigers.He’s going to visit the tigers.We are going to take some pictures.q3P答案圈


I’m going to visit the zoo on Saturday.I’m going with my mother and my father.We’re going there by bus.I like monkey,pandas and birds. I’m going to take some pictures.I’m going to have a good time.q3P答案圈

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