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中秋用英语怎么祝福 中秋英语祝福短语

时间:2018-09-12    作者:答案圈

1、Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!TFf答案圈


2、Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!TFf答案圈


3、Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day.TFf答案圈


4、I want to make a toast. I Wish that the round moon take my best blessing to you. May you have a happy family and a bright future.TFf答案圈


5. A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.TFf答案圈


6. On the night of Mid-Autumn Day, a brigh tmoon and shining stars bring my best wishes to you.TFf答案圈


7. Let the round moon accompany you and me.The bright moon will take my wishes and blessings to you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.TFf答案圈


8. I am glad that you are with me on the full moon night. I want to whisper to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day,my dearest.TFf答案圈


9. No matter where you are from, regardless whether we gather or leave, all those blessings are forever linked in my mind. I wish you success and only things beautiful!TFf答案圈


10. The Mid-Autumn Day approaches. Although I am far from home, I have conviction in my mind. I wish my family happiness and blessings forever.TFf答案圈


11. The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival. I want to say that my heart will always be with you no matter where I am.TFf答案圈


12. The roundest moon can be seen in the autumn. It is time for reunions. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life.TFf答案圈


13. Sweet cakes will be served with my blessings. Wish you a successful life and a bright future.TFf答案圈

送上香甜的月饼,连同一颗祝福的心。愿你过的每一天都象十五的月亮一样成功 !TFf答案圈

14. Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day.TFf答案圈


15. Happy Mid-Autumn Day! Wish that you go well and have a successful and bright future.TFf答案圈


16. I want to make a toast. I Wish that theround moon take my best blessing to you. May you have a happy family and a bright future.TFf答案圈


17. I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.TFf答案圈


18. On the night with blooming flowers and a full moon, I want to express my best wishes and blessings. May you have asweet dream!TFf答案圈


19. The roundest moon can be seen on theMid-Autumn Day. My dearest, I miss you so much. May the beautiful fairy bring my best wishes and blessings to you.TFf答案圈


20. Tonight we start the season of white dew. The moon is just as bright as in my homeland. The round moon in the sky makes me feel homesick.TFf答案圈


21. Although I am not around you at this moment, my blessings and wishes will always be around you. Take care, my dearest.TFf答案圈


22. I hope the round moon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend.TFf答案圈


23. On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to celebrate your colorful life. Happy Mid-Autumn Day, my best friend.TFf答案圈


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