Dear Student Union:
Having heard that you are about to hold a delightful and insightful charity sale of cultural and creative souvenirs on the sports field on July 11, which is set from 12 a.m. to 1 p.m. and initially sells postcards, hats, book labels, notebooks and so on, as a would-be graduate, I am more than obliged/thrilled to offer a helping hand and air/voice personal observations regarding this campaign.
When it comes to the specific time and duration, from my perspective, it is optimal to rearrange the campaign and reset it from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. It is quite evident that the currently practiced timetable appears too tightly squeezed in terms of the time span between lunch and the activity, which may result in possible discomfort to certain students susceptible/subject to indigestion and stomach ache. Besides, the original duration seems so limited that it may trigger unnecessary congestion or even accidents.
With all above mentioned taken into consideration, it is my genuine anticipation that my proposal will prove (to be) of some help for your ultimate decision making and a brief and prompt reply at your earliest convenience is highly appreciated.
Sincerely Yours,
Li Ming
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