My views on robots entering our classroom
The rapid advancement of technology makes it possible for robots to play an important part inour lives. Many people are in favor of the idea of robots entering our classrooms. Personally,I'magainst the introduction of robots to classrooms despite some certain benefits they bring about.
To begin with, robots are machines rather than human beings. They can't provide help orcomfort for the students who need emotional support. All they can do is to utter some programmedsoothing words. which are helpless under most circumstances. After all, only professional teacherscan offer emotional aid for students according to their own needs.
What's more, current teaching activities usually involve collaboration among both teachersand students. This requires teachers to apply great flexibility to their teaching and such quality isexactly what robots lack. While teachers are equipped with the ability to adjust their teaching plansoased on students’needs, robots simply stick to their programs and mechanically impartknowledge to students, thus exerting a negative mpact on students’learning process.
Finally, it's worth noting that not all the students and teachers are used to having a robotassistant in our classrooms. While most students and young teachers are willing to embrace newtechnologies, other teachers, especially aged ones, are struggling to keep pace with the trendThey might experience tough times of mastering the usage of those robots.
in conclusion, although the introduction of robots is a novel idea to alter traditional teachingmethods, I hold the view that letting robots enter our classrooms will pose many problems to us.
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