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At that moment为开头的高中英语作文 关于At that moment为开头的高中英语作文

时间:2022-03-10    作者:答案圈


One of my fondest memories of travel is when I spent a few months in 2019 backpackingEastern Europe. From Poland to Ukraine,every country l visited exceeded(超过〉myexpectations.However,the place that I will never forget is Romania. It is a big country in EasternEurope with little recognition.Additionally,1 was surprised to find such unexpected kindness inthe capital of Bucharest.Kks答案圈

The first day l arrived in Bucharest from Brasov,l had to take the bus from the train station tomy accommodation. 1 boarded the bus and found that none of my cards worked and I wasn 't able tobuy a ticket. 1 was stopped by patrols(巡逻队) on the bus and fined for not having a ticket, evenafter explaining that it wasn't my intention and l had just arrived from Brasov,Despite showingthem my train ticket and the fact that I was carrying my Osprey 551. backpack with me,they stilldidn 't believe me and fined me.Kks答案圈

After doing some research online,l found that most buses in Bucharest are outdated and do notaccept cash or any form of payment on board.You have to purchase a card at certain places in thecity,top it up with money,and then pay onboard.The buses connecting to the airports are moremodern. You can use wireless pay to purchase a ticket.l was delighted after finding out such goodnews as l did not want another fine.Kks答案圈

Fast forward to my last day in Bucharest. l was taking the bus to Bucharest Airport. When thebus arrived. l got on and could not find the ticket machine as the bus was crowded with people.People were standing like sardines(沙丁鱼) in a can. l made my way toward the center of the buswith my big backpack and found the ticket machine to be the same as the one 1 had encountered onmy first day in Bucharest. 1 tried every method. Nothing worked. 1 started to panic.Kks答案圈




At that moment, a kind middle-aged man standing next to me handed me a card.Kks答案圈

l tried to pay him, but he just refused.Kks答案圈

At that moment为开头的高中英语作文 关于At that moment为开头的高中英语作文Kks答案圈

At that moment为开头的高中英语作文 关于At that moment为开头的高中英语作文Kks答案圈

At that moment为开头的高中英语作文 关于At that moment为开头的高中英语作文Kks答案圈

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