1-5 ABBBD 6-10 CDADB
11-15 ABCAA 16-20 FEGAD
21-25 DACCB 26-30 DBBAC
31-35 ACDBC 36-40 AADBD
41-50 (One possible version)
41. was owned 42. to give
43. The 44. of
45. made 46. while
47. houses 48. wooden
49. importance 50. mostly
短文改错(One possible version)
Lin Tao and I traveled to New York this summer. We arrived in earlier
July and moved into an apartment near Columbia University. We explored restaurant and museums nearby. We also went out a bit of
restaurants 删除
farther to see more. During our second week, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and had ∧ good view of the city. We took many photos
and shared it with our friends. I love theater, so see a play was my
them seeing
favorite part of the trip. Therefore, the holiday soon came to an end and
we had to leave. On the way back home, we begin to discuss our next
vacation. He wanted to visit Italy, and I finally persuaded him to visit
Thailand that we’d have more fun.
书面表达 (One possible version)
A group of teachers and students from an American high school came to our school for a cultural exchange today.
Upon their arrival, some teachers and members of the Students’ Union warmly welcomed them. Then the visitors were showed around our school’s cultural corridor, where they enjoyed great paintings and sculptures on display. After that, the visitors experienced our school’s traditional Chinese culture courses. Besides, some games were organized, in which our school’s students and the American students interacted with each other.
Through this exchange, the two schools have built a closer relationship and the students have learned more about the differences between Chinese culture and American culture.
1-5 CAABA 6-10 ACACB
11-15 CBBBA
16-20 (One possible version)
16. Christmas 17. books
18. Mother 19. dress
20. football
学生双语报2018-2019年RX版广东专版高二下第37期答案 2019-04-01 10:30:04学生双语报2018-2019年RX版广东专版高二下第37期答案小编已经收集整理好了,练习完的同学来核对一下吧学生双语报2018-2019年RX版广东专版高二下第37期答案学生双语报2018-201
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