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不喜欢的广告英语口语练习 关于不喜欢的广告英语口语练习

时间:2023-01-29 10:16:46    作者:答案圈

Well, I have to say that our life today is swamped by adverts. Wherever we go, they are never out of sight. But I guess, people find most of them annoying because they can be insincere or inauthentic, and always have misleading effects on our buying behaviors.DMD答案圈


One example is the ad I am going to talk about. About weeks ago, when streaming videos on Bilibili, a video-sharing website, I came across a short video entitled: Three ways to lose 10 kilos in a short time. I guess it is eye-catching to everyone who wants to lose weight, and I was no exception.DMD答案圈


When I clicked on it, a slim and attractive young lady, probably an online influencer, showed up and started to talk about how she had lost 10 kilograms in three months without doing any exercise. In the beginning, she introduced her diet, which is low-carbon and high in protein. This part took only less than a minute. But when coming to the last tip, it became a promotion of a supplement that can block carbohydrate absorption. She boasted about how effective it was for almost 5 minutes. Then came the part about how viewers can get a discount from her link. Not until then did I realize that this video was not an experience-sharing video but an advertisement for a new product.DMD答案圈

不喜欢的广告英语口语练习 关于不喜欢的广告英语口语练习DMD答案圈


At that moment, my excitement immediately turned into disappointment. Thinking back, I also found that the information conveyed in the video was unreliable. Because it gave the audience, especially young people a false hope that we could get a good shape only by taking those "magical pills". Nowadays, more and more companies try to sell their products through those short-videos or live selling. And sometimes we can't tell if what the anchors say is true. Instead of spreading helpful information for the sake of the general public, they only care about making a profit. This is why I have a deep-seated aversion to most of them.DMD答案圈


Be swamped by 被...淹没DMD答案圈

Be out of sight 脱离视线DMD答案圈

Annoying 烦人的DMD答案圈

streaming videos 刷视频DMD答案圈

insincere 不真诚的,虚假的DMD答案圈

eye-catching 引人注目的DMD答案圈

no exception 没有例外DMD答案圈

online influencer 网红DMD答案圈

low-carbon 低碳的DMD答案圈

promotion 推广DMD答案圈

supplement 补充剂DMD答案圈

block carbohydrate absorption 阻止碳水化合物吸收DMD答案圈

boast 吹嘘DMD答案圈

Viewers 观众DMD答案圈

discount 折扣DMD答案圈

conveyed 传达DMD答案圈

unreliable 不可靠的DMD答案圈

false hope 虚假的希望DMD答案圈

live selling 直播带货DMD答案圈

Anchors 博主DMD答案圈

for the sake of 为了...DMD答案圈

making a profit 盈利DMD答案圈

deep-seated 深层次的DMD答案圈

aversion 厌恶DMD答案圈

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