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见贤思齐英语作文 关于见贤思齐的英语作文

时间:2019-06-18    作者:答案圈

When your friend does something stupid, you don't need to follow.  HSg答案圈


What is a real friend?HSg答案圈

No one can live without friends. As the old saying goes: keep good man company and you shall be of the number. As a consequence, choosing a perfect match really matters and under some circumstances, that makes all the difference.HSg答案圈

Not long ago, 14 as I was. So desperately to be treated like an adult, that word nearly means power and magic to me. For the first time of my life, I feel free and can control something at least, starting to imitate those “cool boys”.We fought,bellied students with bad language. Though, the voice in my heart said “that's wrong”, my new cool friends encouraged me to continue, or their would look down upon me. It was at point my teacher and parents start to notice, after the long serious conversation, a sense of shame and regret flooded my heart, and I swore I would make every effort to make things right.HSg答案圈

A true friend can guide you through the path of life, always stand by and lend a hand when needed, and I learnt that in a hard way.HSg答案圈





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