假定你是李华,在新西兰的一所高中做交换生,你们小组为世界海洋日(World Ocean Day)设立的海报获一等奖,请代表你们组做经验分享,内容包括:
Dear Fellow students,
Good morning! We are really delighted and proud to have won the first prize in the competition. On behalf of our group, I'm honored to share with you our experience in creating the poster for World Ocean Day.
The winning poster, titled "Our Oceans, Our Future", is intended to promote ocean conservation and raise awareness about the importance of the oceans. To convey our message effectively, we brainstormed ideas, conducted extensive research, and gathered relevant information and images. Through our painstaking efforts, a creative and appealing poster was born.
The experience was challenging but educational. Not only did it encourage good teamwork, it also made us recognize the urgent need to take action for future generations. Thank you!
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