线上教育(Distance education)
1. 线上教育实施的可能性
互联网普及率 Internet penetration rate
远程通信 telecommunication
4G 信号基站 4G signal base station
2. 线上教育的优势
They can get a much broader array of course choices, most of which offer superior instruction with much more flexibility: you can view the lectures when you want, as many times as you want, wherever you want. (the Economist 2014.2)
3. 线上教育潜在的隐患
教育不公平 educational gap
The poorest kids don’t have laptops or internet connections.
Try it in a tiny, impoverished flat with no outdoor space, nowhere to go, no one to see and nothing to do, with the guilt of the god-awful slides on Google Classroom hanging over you.(the Spectator, 2020.6)
There is an irreplaceable magic in a live lesson, with its ability to motivate, cheer and inspire.
1. 食物浪费的现状据报道,中国每年浪费的食物足以养活2亿人。It was reported that the amount of food wasted in China was enough to feed 200 million people a year.在
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