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中国传统文化相关英语词汇短句 中国传统文化英语词汇短句汇总

时间:2019-10-27    作者:答案圈

中国主要传统节日 Chinese TraditionalFestivalHXa答案圈

1.春节(农历一月一日)theSpring FestivalHXa答案圈

2.除夕(农历十二月三十日)theNew Year’s EveHXa答案圈

3.中秋节(农历八月十五)theMid-Autumn FestivalHXa答案圈

4.元宵节(农历一月十五)theLantern FestivalHXa答案圈

5.端午节(农历五月初五)theDragon Boat FestivalHXa答案圈

6.清明节(4月5日)the Qingming Festival / the Tomb-SweepingDayHXa答案圈

7.重阳节(农历九月九日)theDouble Ninth FestivalHXa答案圈

8.元旦(1月1日)New Year’s DayHXa答案圈

新年习俗 New Year CustomsHXa答案圈

过年celebrate the Spring FestivalHXa答案圈

拜年pay a New Year visit; give New Year’s greetingsHXa答案圈

看春节联欢晚会watch the CCTV New Year’s GalaHXa答案圈

贴春联put up/paste Spring Festival coupletsHXa答案圈

串亲戚 pay a New Year visit torelatives and friendsHXa答案圈

逛庙会go to the temple fairHXa答案圈

看花灯watch flower lanternsHXa答案圈

放鞭炮set off firecrackers; let offfirecrackersHXa答案圈

放烟花set off fireworksHXa答案圈

春联the Spring Festival coupletsHXa答案圈

剪纸paper cut paper-cutHXa答案圈

压岁钱gift money; money given to childrenas a lunar new year giftHXa答案圈

舞龙dragon dance(to expect goodweather and good harvests)(play dragon dance)HXa答案圈

舞狮lion dance(the lion is believed tobe able to dispel evil and bring good luck)HXa答案圈

中国主要传统文化 Chinese TraditionalCultureHXa答案圈

剪纸paper cutHXa答案圈

中国结Chinese knotHXa答案圈


脸谱facial maskHXa答案圈

京剧Being Opera/Peking OperaHXa答案圈

太极拳Tai ChiHXa答案圈

汉字Chinese characterHXa答案圈


中国功夫Kung fuHXa答案圈

儒家文化Confucian cultureHXa答案圈

中国传统戏曲Chinese traditional operaHXa答案圈

传统中国建筑traditional ChinesearchitectureHXa答案圈


著名景点 Places of Interest in BeijingHXa答案圈

胡同Maoer HutongHXa答案圈

故宫theForbidden City; the Palace MuseumHXa答案圈

颐和园the SummerPalaceHXa答案圈

圆明园theYuanmingyua ParkHXa答案圈

长城the GreatWallHXa答案圈

天安门广场Tian’anmen SquareHXa答案圈

天坛the Templeof HeavenHXa答案圈

鸟巢the BirdNestHXa答案圈

水立方the WaterCubeHXa答案圈

香山the FragrantHillHXa答案圈

国家博物馆theNational Museum of ChinaHXa答案圈

教师节祝福英语短句 关于教师节的英语短句 2019-09-10 15:43:52

1.It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。2. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. 对敬

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基本词汇employ(雇用);full\|time(全职的);part\|time(兼职的);well\|paid(薪水高的);be paid by the hour(按小时发工资);subject(课程);working experience(工作经验);hea

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