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关于正月十五元宵节习俗的英语翻译 写正月十五元宵节习俗的英语短句翻译

时间:2022-02-14    作者:答案圈


The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year. The festival marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.7Yx答案圈

关于正月十五元宵节习俗的英语翻译 写正月十五元宵节习俗的英语短句翻译7Yx答案圈


In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, walking on stilts and beating drums while dancing will be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireworks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireworks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party. On the night when the first full moon enters the New Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireworks and bright moon in the sky.7Yx答案圈

关于正月十五元宵节习俗的英语翻译 写正月十五元宵节习俗的英语短句翻译7Yx答案圈


"Guessing lantern riddles"is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer. If they are right,  they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As riddle guessing is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become popular among all social strata.7Yx答案圈

关于正月十五元宵节习俗的英语翻译 写正月十五元宵节习俗的英语短句翻译7Yx答案圈


According to ancient custom, the lion is a symbol of boldness and strength that can protect people, so by performing the lion dance, everyone prays for an auspicious and happy life.7Yx答案圈

关于正月十五元宵节习俗的英语翻译 写正月十五元宵节习俗的英语短句翻译7Yx答案圈

踩高跷是另一种民间艺术,它的起源可以追溯到春秋时期(公元前770 - 476)。表演者们不仅要把高跷绑在脚上走,还会做一些极其高难度的动作。由于演员扮演不同的角色,如僧侣、小丑和渔民,并表演生动和幽默的行为,这种艺术使许多人感到有趣。7Yx答案圈

Walking on stilts, another folk art, traces its origins to the Spring and Autumn period (770BC - 476BC). Performers not only walk on stilts by binding them to their feet, but also do some breathtakingly difficult moves. As actors impersonate different characters like monks, clowns, and fishermen and perform vivid and humorous acts, the art amuses many people.7Yx答案圈

关于正月十五元宵节习俗的英语翻译 写正月十五元宵节习俗的英语短句翻译7Yx答案圈


Yuanxiao is the special food for the Lantern Festival, which has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan" in Chinese, meaning reunion, harmony and happiness for the family.7Yx答案圈


赏花灯 Flower Lantern Viewing7Yx答案圈

放花灯 Flower Lantern Release7Yx答案圈

舞龙 Dragon Dance7Yx答案圈

观灯 Lantern watching7Yx答案圈

走百病 Walking the hundred diseases7Yx答案圈

热火朝天 Hot and enthusiastic7Yx答案圈

张灯结彩 decorated with lanterns7Yx答案圈

灯火通明 Bright lights7Yx答案圈

阖家团圆 The whole family is reunited7Yx答案圈


Only the state officials are allowed to set fire, but not the people are allowed to light the lamps.7Yx答案圈

2022元宵节灯谜及谜底 关于元宵节相关的灯谜及谜底2022 2022-02-14 15:45:48

1. 一物三口,有腿无手。谁要没它,难见亲友(打一日常用品)。裤子2. 元宵春灯(网络电脑词语)。节点3. 北京有个家(补品)。燕窝4. 光启族人大团圆(打上海一地名)。徐家汇5. 左手五个,右手

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