novel coronavirus/a new strain of coronavirus /2019-nCoV
流行病学 epidemiology
宿主 host
蝙蝠 bat
竹鼠 bamboo rat
活体农贸市场 live animal markets
易感 susceptible/vulnerable
潜伏期 incubation period
传播方式 modes of transmission
人传人 transmit between humans/human-to-human transmission
病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia
胸闷 chest distress
乏力 fatigue
重症 severe cases
呼吸困难 shortness of breath
确诊病例 confirmed cases
疑似病例 suspected cases
死亡病例 fatalities
治愈病例 cases of patients cured
接受观察 be under observation
密切接触者 people in close contact with the patient
接触者追踪 contact tracing
二代病例 second-generation cases
隔离治疗 receive treatment in isolation
救护车 ambulance
外科口罩 surgical mask
防护服 protective suit
护目镜 safety goggles
探头式测温仪 probe thermometer
含酒精洗手液 alcohol-based hand rub / cleanser
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