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外国人唱中文歌英语作文 关于外国人唱中文歌的英语作文

时间:2019-07-03    作者:答案圈


1. 表示祝贺;Qh4答案圈

2. 赞赏与评价;Qh4答案圈

3. 对他的祝愿。Qh4答案圈




Dear Henry,Qh4答案圈

Excited to hear the host announce that you won the first prize in the competition of singing Chinese songs intended for foreigners on TV, I’m writing to express my congratulations to you.Qh4答案圈

On the stage, you are like a shining star. Through beautiful songs, you expressed your passion to China and left a deep impression on the audience. Every note of your song conveys the intimate friendship with Chinese people. What impressed me most is your perfect Chinese pronunciation, which definitely add a lot of color to your performance. Just as the old saying goes, “No pains, no gains”. I know you practice speaking Chinese every day and no wonder you have made such great progress. It’s your hard work and persistence that made you succeed. I’m so proud of you. Qh4答案圈

Congratulations once again and I hope your future will be successful and glorious.Qh4答案圈

Yours sincerely,Qh4答案圈

Li HuaQh4答案圈

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