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To Be a Successful English Learner英语演讲稿作文 关于To Be a Successful English Learner的英语作文

时间:2021-06-20    作者:答案圈

假如你是李华,已升人高-级学校,现应邀回校向同学们介绍英语学习方法。请根据下列要点提示,以“To Be a Successful English Learner”为题,写一篇英语演讲稿。9nQ答案圈

要点提示: 1.兴趣方面:听英语歌,看英语影片等;2.习惯方面:用词典查生词,写英语日记等;3.素养方面:提升听说读写能力,学习中外文化等;4.意志方面:不畏困难,勇于挑战等;5.个人观点: ....9nQ答案圈

要求: 1.词数110词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2.要点提示均须涉及,可适当增加内容;3.不用真实姓名、校名、地名。9nQ答案圈

参考词语: develop, improve, ability, culture , challenge9nQ答案圈

To Be a Successful English Learner9nQ答案圈

Dear schoolmates,9nQ答案圈

I'm Li Hua. I'm honored to be invited here to share my ideas about how to learn English well. ....            Thanks for your listening.9nQ答案圈

To Be a Successful English Learner英语演讲稿作文 关于To Be a Successful English Learner的英语作文9nQ答案圈


To Be a Successful English Learner9nQ答案圈

Dear schoolmates,9nQ答案圈

I'm Li Hua. I'm honored to be invited here to share my ideas about how to learn English well.To be a successful English learner, we should have a good study habit and be good at thinking and solving problems. We can look up new words with the help of the dictionary. We can keep diaries every day to improve our English.  We also should make full use of learning resources. Reading newspaper, listening to English songs and watching English movies.  We should improve our ability to read and learn Chinese and foreign cultures.When you study English, it’s sure to meet all kinds of different problems. We shouldn’t feel afraid of them. We should try our best to solve these difficulties and challenge them.In my opinion, we should read and write in English every day. To practice, we can also speak to our friends and classmates in English.9nQ答案圈

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