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Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs英语作文 关于Should teenagers be allowed to have part-ti

时间:2021-04-28    作者:答案圈

暑假就要到了。很多学生打算在假期打工锻炼自己,可是有些家长不同意。他们认为打工既耽误学习,又不太安全。请你以“Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?"为题写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你的看法。Pg3答案圈


Should teenagers be allowed to have part-time jobs?Pg3答案圈

Summer holiday is coming. Many students plan to have part-time jobs. But some parents disagree. They think it wastes the students’ time and it isn’t safe as well.Pg3答案圈

In my opinion, teenagers should be allowed to do some part-time jobs. Firstly, they can experience different lives and get more knowledge outside school. Meanwhile, after learning about the difficulty of making a living, they will cherish what they have now. What’s more, teenagers should have chances to make decisions by themselves.Pg3答案圈

Of course, safety is the most important. Teenagers should learn to protect themselves when doing part-time jobs.Pg3答案圈

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