“"Independence is possible only here! Here I recognize no master! Here I am free!"I love this sentence, because it was said by Captain Nemo who dares to resistoppression.
I've just read a book by Jules Gabriel Verne. That is 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, a story of heroes' adventures with Captain Nemo. I was not only struck by the breath-taking plots, but also deeply moved by heroes' sense of justice.What impresses me most is the Captain Nemo. He is brave, clever and kind.But the dark society also brings him endless pain. He was filled with resentment against humanity. He is a poor man as well.
Afler reading this book,I know that we should have an ample imagination of the world. There are only things that you cannot imagine, yet nothing you cannot achieve!
成语故事读后感300字 关于成语故事的读后感300字 2022-07-18 09:03:31读《成语故事》有感在这个暑假,我读了一本叫做《成语故事》的书,这本书里有二百多个成语故事,其中《胯下之辱》这个故事令我记忆深划。这个成语主要讲述发生在韩信身上的一个小
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从这里认识中国读后感300字 关于从这里认识中国的读后感300字 2022-07-18 08:21:46《从这里认识中国》读后感假期期间,我读了一本名叫《从这里认识中国的一中国神话之旅》。书中有许多神话故事,我最喜欢的神话故事是《神话中的月亮》故事中的问题我也曾问过妈